About Buzz
Buzz is the owner and main performer here with Assassin Entertainment. He started under the name Buzz Entertainment however a quick Google search proved that name wouldn't work well as there is a Buzz Entertainment Group, really nice people, but didn't want to share the name.
Buzz has been involved in martial arts since 2013 and a few people made the joke that if the whole "entertainment" thing didn't work out at least he'd know how to be "muscle" for people...like might even be a hit man. Well Buzz took this idea and ran with it, since he likes darker themes and having fun, and know's a thing or two about marketing he decided to start Assassin Entertainment with the social media handle @HireAnAssassin and #HireAnAssassin.
Don't worry he doesn't really kill people, it's just a catchy name, and our personal way of reminding ourselves "*not to take ourselves so seriously that we forget to have fun".
*(Credit to SPI, COFS)